Information on:

Gage Park High School

5630 South Rockwell Street

Gage Park High School is a general education high school, which maintains an environment that is safe, secure, and pleasant. Our mission is to prepare the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural student body academically for a high democratic society. The administration and staff recognizes that students come to school with a wide range of abilities, value, and levels of creativity. These qualities are seen as assets, which need direction and cultivation, so that students can become responsible leasers and contributing members of the greater society.

Espousing the African proverb: "It takes a whole village to raise a child," the broader vision focuses on the expansion of student resources, the restructuring of learning and achievement, expansion of the scope and quality of community involvement, supplementing present instructional programs, increasing faculty involved decision making and enhancing student/faculty relations. The administration and faculty also recognizes that students have a responsibility for their own success, and therefore, from all students, in all endeavors, "WE EXPECT SUCCESS AND NOTHING LESS."

Gage Park High School is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
