Thomas Jefferson High School is a safe, secure, environment that promotes academic excellence, respect for one another and life long learning.
About Us:
At Thomas Jefferson High School, students are encouraged to develop their potential academically, personally and socially. The school is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools, which means that the staff has adopted ten principles that are believed to be crucial to all students achieving at their highest level.
Thomas Jefferson’s Raiderlinks laptop program continues to build on its reputation as a 1998 Computer World Smithsonian Award for Excellence winner. Raiderlinks is a rigorous, interdisciplinary program that prepares students for their preferred career path. Raiderlinks is aligned with the Washington Assessment for Student Learning (WASL) and Federal Way Public Schools’ literacy goals. Recent graduates have gained entrance to prestigious universities, art schools, community colleges and technical schools and have been hired by corporations.
The International Baccalaureate Program, a two year program that requires students to challenge themselves at a high academic level is an option for all students. The program can be a full diploma choice or an option for earning certificates in specific subjects in which a student wishes to excel. The assessments are sent to external assessors, assuring that student work conforms to world class standards.
Thomas Jefferson High School has an innovative modified six period daily schedule that allows for more personalization, greater access to electives and extended instructional time. Thomas Jefferson offers an after school tutoring program called Raider Advantage, two hours per day four days a week, where students can receive individual tutoring.
The Construction Apprenticeship Preparation Program (CAPP) is an integrated 4 year program for students interested in careers and apprenticeships in the construction industry. Construction, Language Arts and Math instructors team to take students through the four year curriculum. Free college credit is available to enrolled students.