Mission Statement:
In a safe and supportive learning environment, we offer students choices in meeting their educational needs.
We encourage personal responsibility and academic achievement -- values which will lead our students to success in both school and life.
California continuation education was first organized in 1919. It was established to permit flexible school programs for working students. In 1929, its function was expanded to provide a minimum day (180 minutes) for students not employed and not enrolled in other schools. In 1965, the legislature arranged funding so that continuation education is required in most districts. There are now over 250 continuation schools in the state.
The Rocklin Unified School District set up continuation classrooms on the Rocklin High campus in September 1995. We opened our doors with sixteen students, one principal-teacher, and an hourly paid clerk.
We now have 5.0 FTE classroom teachers, a .80 FTE guidance counselor, a half-time special education teacher, a special education aide, two part-time library aides, a part-time campus monitor, a school secretary, and a school clerk/registrar.
In addition to Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education our course offerings include Health, Computer Applications, Art, Advisement, and other elective classes as enrollment and resources permit.